Booking & Fees

To make an appointment online, please book an appointment by clicking 'book an appointment' at the bottom of the page!   Choose a convenient date from the calendar, leaving your e-mail address.
I will contact you on the same day with details and information. You will also receive payment details.

You can also call us on +44 7958025519 or send me a text message.

 The e-mail address is: konsultacjepsychologiczne.uk@gmail.com

If you have any questions, please send me an email. I will reply as soon as I can!
Price list
         Individual session 50 min £80
Couple therapy 60 min £120


What are the three rules of solution-focused treatment?
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

This principle indicates that it is worth repeating those activities and behaviours that we believe are helpful.

Once you know what works, do more of it!

It is equally important to be aware of and identify what is not working. It is worth stopping what is ineffective and looking for another, even the simplest, solution that will change something in this situation. It's about the difference that will make the difference.

If it’s not working, do something different!

The Solution Focused Approach assumes a certain minimalism in helping activities which boils down to working on goals that are determined by the therapist, the client himself. It is the client who ultimately decides what he needs and what is helpful for him. Most people are under the misconception that if the problem is serious and complicated, the solution is also complicated, difficult to implement. It looks logical, but it is not. TSR advises not to complicate the situation and start with the simplest solutions.

You don't have to go through all the difficulties alone.

Contact us


+44 7958 025519 (UK)



Covid 19:

We continue to offer consultation services via telephone and online platforms



Don't wait make an on-line visit